“We have just come from checking into our tranquil haven, Somewhere Unique … touches are abundant and thoughtful: Natio bath products, candles, local soaps and an oil burner with an aphrodisiac blend enhance a truly epic bathroom – gigantic oval bath, separate shower and grandiose showerhead.
Melanie, our host, doesn’t stick around for a chat, perhaps wanting to give us privacy. However, we do meet when she drops over a barbecue pack on the second night of our stay (scotch fillet, atlantic salmon, salad and cake). Apart from that, it is reasonable to assume that at Somewhere Unique, you will avoid all human contact. Even the neighbouring cabin is out of view.”
Source: https://www.smh.com.au/travel/accommodation-reviews/to-avoid-wildlife-go-bush-20100513-v0ba.html