Local photo by: Ross Zimmerman

Where Pigs Fly Expansion Project

Where Pigs Fly farm sanctuary Expansion Project Posted on

Where Pigs Fly Expansion Project

We have just launched a crowd-funding campaign on Chuffed to raise funds for our sanctuary expansion project, which will allow us to save more animals in desperate need.

As one of WPF’s supporters, you already know what we do on a daily basis, about the animals we rescue and care for and our fierce commitment to education and awareness bringing about change to the world for all animals. We cannot do this life-saving work without you.

We hope you can support our sanctuary expansion project and help us save more lives. All donations over $2.00 are tax-deductible. A tax receipt will be emailed to you. If you are unable to donate, please share our campaign page far and wide.

On behalf of the many animals whose lives you will save, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Debbie Pearce