Local photo by: Ross Zimmerman

Funding for our historic church

St Johns historic church, Wollombi, Hunter Valley Posted on

Funding for our historic church

Wollombi village proper has a range of buildings which make up a heritage precinct. In our beautiful green valley, it is this core – amongst all the hills and trees, the brook, the country roads and properties – that often draws visitors.

Maintaining and repairing these properties, whether public or privately owned, is an important and onerous task. It is also a privilege for those of us who are caretakers of one of these beautiful buildings.

St John’s Anglican Church recently attracted some State funding to assist with urgent roof repairs, perhaps not the full repair, but a very important interim one which we hope will last us for some years. These repairs are now completed. There are not yet enough funds for the full roof replacement and the wonderful fund-raising over the past few years including the magnificent concert from Allegra Giagu and Sally Whitwell, together with Claudia George, which was organised by generous members of our community, is sitting in a high interest account building up towards the major sum, and awaiting further fund-raising, before a full roof restoration is possible. But for now, the rain does not come in, the extra holes where the bats and birds without benefit of door or window, could enter and leave at will and build nests in, are closed and the Church will not further deteriorate.

As this funding assisted our community, and to celebrate the refurbished new roof, we are having a simple thanksgiving and dedication commencing with a special 10 am Service on Sunday 9 February 2014, to be followed by a community morning tea.

The Parish Council and congregation members have invited Clayton Barr, State Member of Parliament, together with a number of relevant community groups such as local businesses, the Museum, Chamber, Progress, the Friends of St Michaels and the local Schools, to join with us.

I would like to invite any member of the wider community who would like to come along on that morning, to be part of our thanks for this gift and for the many blessings of living in this Valley.

Graham Jackson