Date: Thursday, 21 June 2018
Time: 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Location: GNTP, Laguna, NSW
The Winter Solstice is our annual tipping point, a magical time for us to balance our body, mind and spirit as we honour the shortest day and longest night of the year.
Traditionally this was a time to light fires to petition the return of the sun and the warmth and life he brings. It is also a fabulous time to release anything that does not serve beautiful you, in order to make space for all that does and everything yet to come.
Join me as we sit in circle around a crackling open fire beneath the dark moon in the wilds of Wollombi to together dive deep into the midwinter cauldron space. The darkest night calls for nothing less than total release and unequivocal surrender to the path of our own life. The reward for the courage it takes to truly let go (and it is never easy) is the blessed surge of personal sovereignty, an uninhibited freedom in which all possibilities are back on the table. Yes, as if by magic.
Through ancient story, guided meditation and potent ritual crafted just for this evening, we will together undo the ties that may have bound us to time in the darkness and hurl them into the flames, allowing our clarity of vision to return unfettered.
Cost: $50 ~ Buy tickets online
Bring your sweet self rugged up for a Wintery night outside plus a chair and blanket to sit around the fire in circle. Beanies, gloves and warmest woollens advised!
This is the big magic I have been aching to bring to this enchanted place. Last year’s event was nothing short of magic! For all of you who have ever wanted to come along, this is the one to be a part of! And if you have never done anything like this before, here’s why.
“A circle of women may be the most powerful force known to humanity. If you have one, embrace it. If you need one, seek it. If you find one, for the love of all that is good and holy, dive in. Hold on. Love it up. Get naked. Let them see you. Let them hold you. Let your reluctant tears fall. Let yourself rise fierce and love gentle. You will be changed. The very fabric of your being will be altered by this, if you allow it. Please, please, allow it.”
~ Jeanette Le Blanc